How to Make a Good First Impression at a Job Interview

Every step of the job application process is important. You have to prepare an excellent CV and a cover letter that will make you stand out in the crowd. It is a great success to be invited for an interview. This is the most crucial aspect of the job application process. It is true that your interview success will depend on what you say, but it is also important what first impression you will make upon the interviewer. Remember that the employers in London are not among the most impressionable people, so you really have to be well prepared in order to stand out and get chosen for the job.

It is not supposed to be that way, but you are judged by your looks first. The way, in which you are dressed, will determine the very first impression of the interviewer. Hence, make sure you look professional. Choose clothes that are appropriate for the company that you will have an interview at.

If you go to an office, they you have to wear a suit in solid colours. Women should choose a hairstyle that is not casual. If you have applied for work in a beauty salon, you can dress more casually. Girls should remember to have their nails trimmed and to have very little makeup on. Generally, you have to look neat at your interview. Avoid being extravagant, even if you are applying for an artistic job.

In order to make a good first impression at a job interview, you have to arrive for it on time. It is definitely a good idea for you to show up a bit earlier, so that you can refresh yourself a bit and gather your thoughts. Make sure you plan and arrange your transportation well in advance.

Your attitude is particularly important for making a good first impression. Be positive and smile. Avoid getting nervous. Remind yourself of all your wonderful qualities to gain some more self confidence. Try to get relaxed. The interviewers are usually quite nice and they will make you feel comfortable, so just be friendly and polite, without forgetting that you have to be professional above all.

Your body language matters a lot as well. Your back has to be straight with your shoulders pointing upwards. This kind of posture automatically gives you more self confidence. Do not cross your hands. This shows a defensive attitude and readiness for aggression. Generally, you have to avoid using your hands to express yourself. However, you have to have a firm handshake that shows readiness to work.

You have to be attentive at your job interview. Remember that you are not supposed to discuss yourself, but how you can contribute to the company. Give precise answers, which are to the point. It is fine to use explanations to support your statements. Try to be brief, however. Listen to the interviewer attentively. Nod to show that you understand their point. Make sure you reply to what the interviewer says without giving answers that you have learnt by hear in advance.

Just be confident and positive and be yourself. This is how you will make a great first impression at a job interview.

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