How to Make a Good First Impression at a Job Interview

Every step of the job application process is important. You have to prepare an excellent CV and a cover letter that will make you stand out in the crowd. It is a great success to be invited for an interview. This is the most crucial aspect of the job application process. It is true that your interview success will depend on what you say, but it is also important what first impression you will make upon the interviewer. Remember that the employers in London are not among the most impressionable people, so you really have to be well prepared in order to stand out and get chosen for the job.

It is not supposed to be that way, but you are judged by your looks first. The way, in which you are dressed, will determine the very first impression of the Continue reading “How to Make a Good First Impression at a Job Interview”

How to Negotiate a Salary at a Job Interview

You know well that London has one of the most competitive environments for job seekers. The competition is quite high even in the work place given the number of candidates waiting to grab your place. For these reasons the salary negotiation is an extremely sensitive issue especially for those who have been unemployed for quite some time. But you are highly likely to have to arrange this matter right at the interview. Thus, it is best for you to be as well prepared as possible.

The first and most important thing you have to do is research. It is best to find out more about the industry and the remunerations in it. You should also Continue reading “How to Negotiate a Salary at a Job Interview”

Prepare for a Job Interview Using This Powerful Strategy

You can congratulate yourself. The recruiter has liked your CV and cover letter and now you are invited to a job interview. This is really a success since very few job applicants in the UK and in London in particular get to this stage. However, the final step is the most important and the riskiest one. Remember that only one of the candidates will be selected. You have to prepare using the best possible interview strategy so that the employer chooses you.

You have to highlight all your qualities, skills and strengths at the job interview. You will have the opportunity to do this so you have to make a complete yet straightforward presentation. You have to go over your CV and cover letter Continue reading “Prepare for a Job Interview Using This Powerful Strategy”