There are plenty of part time jobs in the UK and in London to choose from. The customer service jobs offer good work conditions and good remuneration. You can get such a position in any industry and in almost any company. In order to do this, you need to have a variety of qualifications and skills.
The educational qualifications for a customer service assistant position are basic. You will be required to have a high school diploma. In some cases, employers are willing to recruit high school students for part time positions as well. In general, the educational requirements for the job are not the most important criteria.
Employers look for applicants who have at least basic knowledge in customer support principles and practices. Any relevant experience is a plus. It is beneficial to have some administrative knowledge as well. It is a good idea for you to get familiar with the main customer and administrative practices in advance, especially if you have no previous work experience in any industry.
In order to get a part time customer service job, you are required to have a range of practical and personal skills. You have to have good numeracy and language skills. You have to have good computer skills. Fast typing is an advantage. It is a must for customer service assistants to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
You should note all these points and ensure that you present your relevant qualifications and skills in the best possible light. If you want to make your job application more impressive, you should not hesitate to include any relevant product knowledge in your covering letter.
You will certainly find a good job, if you have all these qualifications and skills. Just keep in mind that the competition for customer service part time jobs in London is great, so make sure your CV and cover letter stand out in the crowd.