Job Hunting in London – The Networking Approach

Most people actively seeking employment do not know this, but in many cases the London job vacancies are not directly advertised. Often the positions are offered directly to certain individuals. The employers are not legally obliged to advertise their vacancies. So you can expect not only executive positions to be granted straight away. In fact, you can get any kind of job in the UK as long as you apply a networking approach.

This job seeking method has been around for quite some time now and it has always been popular with people from certain professions such as lawyers and accountants who want to get into the club. But you should definitely try networking irrespective of your career plans. The approach is effective – the majority of UK universities use it to secure job positions for their graduate students long before they receive their diplomas. There are a number of methods that you can readily use to get your dream job.

Networking can be simply defined as establishing contacts in a specific industry. In turn you can expect these people to think of you when they have a hob vacancy. Thus, you have to use your contacts as best as possible to secure new ones. You can readily speak to teachers or to your tutor and ask about your career plans and ask them whether they can introduce you to professionals from your chosen industry. It is also worth using the contacts of friends and family members. You should definitely talk to any previous employers that you are in good terms with and ask them whether they can introduce you to a person who can help you with your career.

You do not have to rely on middlemen to make contacts. You can establish these completely on your own. You can readily visit job fairs, meet recruiters, make contacts and collect business cards. It is also a good idea for you to go to events organized by professional organizations from the industry that you want to work in. This is an extremely effective networking approach that you should definitely use. You should look for any internships, part time jobs and replacement work in the industry that you want to have a career in. These are also great ways in which you can make contacts with potential employers.

In order for your networking method to be effective you should not hesitate to be the active side. You should be comfortable about introducing yourself to potential employers. It is also a good idea for you to have your CV with you when you visit events at which you can meet recruiters. You might readily consider having a business card as well if you are a professional with some employment experience. Once you make contacts you can readily try sending speculative applications. All you have to do is prepare a CV and cover letter that are made to suit exactly the position you want to get in the specific company. Then you can readily send these to the people you have made contacts with.

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