Preparing for Your Job Interview

It can be very intimidating for any to have to go through a job interview.  If this is your fist time interviewing, or if you have to go through an interview after having been employed for many years, nerves can get the best of you.  There are many things you can do when preparing you for your job interview that will help you to curb your nerves and to make a good impression.

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How to Keep In Your Bosses Good Books.

The first and foremost fact you need to keep in mind when dealing with your boss is just that; it is your boss, not your friend.  Your boss is the person whom holds your career literally in their hands.  It can be easy to get in to a situation where you would rather become friends with your boss, this is not a good idea as personal lives can overlap business and if you cannot keep them separate, and you may be in for heartache or job loss in the future.  This can happen Continue reading “How to Keep In Your Bosses Good Books.”

How to Keep Your JOB?

If you are here reading this it probably means that you have lost your job or are about to lose it. You may also be unsatisfied with the work you have at the moment. It can be the work itself, the employer, the work conditions or even the salary that you don’t like. Anyway you are looking for a new job so the information below may not seem important to you now, but you may find it very useful after finding the job of your dream.

First question to ask yourself is do I really want to keep my job? Do I enjoy doing the same work day after day? Do I like the people I have to work with that surround me every day? If the answer is no than please continue. It is easy to keep a job that you really love, I would say that it is almost impossible to lose it… you can only leave for a better one which is a totally different matter.

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