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Live out part time Nanny for 2 young girls in Mill Hill
A friendly family of 4 are looking for a part time 3/4 days a week live out nanny for their 2 daughters aged 3 months and 19 months. Mum is looking for someone happy to work sole and shared cared so you must be a team player. You must be friendly, caring, fun and have experience with young babies and toddlers. Duties will include entertaining the children with age appropriate activities, changing nappies, maintaining sleep routines, taking children to activities, play dates and to the park, sometimes cooking for them. The family have a golden doodle dog so you must be pet friendly.
Location: Mill Hill
Days: 3-4 days per week ideally Saturday as one but flexible.
Hours: 8 hours a day, flexible over time 7am-3pm, 8am -4pm or 9am-5pm
Salary: £12 nph
Desirable: Driver but not essential.
Applying for this vacancy you must have at least 4 years of experience in similar role in the UK and checkable references.
Live out Nanny for Young Girls in Mill Hill
Posted: 93 days ago
Place: Mill Hill, London
Place: Mill Hill, London
Live out part time Nanny for 2 young girls in Mill Hill
A friendly family of 4 are looking for a part time 3/4 days a week live out nanny for their 2 daughters aged 3 months and 19 months. Mum is looking for someone happy to work sole and shared cared so you must be a team player. You must be friendly, caring, fun and have experience with young babies and toddlers. Duties will include entertaining the children with age appropriate activities, changing nappies, maintaining sleep routines, taking children to activities, play dates and to the park, sometimes cooking for them. The family have a golden doodle dog so you must be pet friendly.
Location: Mill Hill
Days: 3-4 days per week ideally Saturday as one but flexible.
Hours: 8 hours a day, flexible over time 7am-3pm, 8am -4pm or 9am-5pm
Salary: £12 nph
Desirable: Driver but not essential.
Applying for this vacancy you must have at least 4 years of experience in similar role in the UK and checkable references.
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