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Live in Nanny for and old at School

Posted: Today
Place: Parsons green, Fulham

Please read this ad carefully, we have listed all the information you need about what the job involves.
We would like to know what of the following list applies to you when you apply.

We are looking for:

Someone with a good sense of humour who laughs and smiles easily.
Great at keeping kids interested and happy,
Have ideas for exciting the minds of 2 fun clever happy kids.
A Non smoker
Able to swim – we have a pool in Italy
Looking for a live in role (this is not a role you can do as live out)
Find yourself drawn to mucking about with kids, and trying to make up games for them.
Do you have a higher education – Degree or HND, doesn’t have to be in childcare, but we want someone who is intelligent and can help our kids with their education, and explain details about the Natural History museum and Science Museum exhibitions to them at their level.
You can speak Italian – not essential but will put you at the top of the pile because our 4 year old in bilingual and we would like to keep her that way.
Can drive – doesn’t have to be a Uk licence – just better for you, so that you can drive yourself somewhere when you are with us at our place in the country or Tuscan holiday home.
Happy to travel to Tuscany with the family, usually 50 to 80 days of the year (you have the same there, your own room, bathroom and access to the hire car)
Have experience of a minimum of 6 months in charge of the sole care of children.
Helpful and tidy around the house you will be expected to clear up the breakfast before the kids get off to school.
Organised – you will be expected to keep on top of what the children are doing, and meant to be doing each day and in advance for their homework, games kit, etc.
Proactive – able to organise play dates with other kids and mothers at the schools, be aware of what exhibitions are going on locally at Museums and art galleries that the kids might like.
Able to take 2 kids to exhibitions on your own and keep them safe and interested.
Positive discipline, able to help the kids understand what is appropriate behaviour without loosing your temper. We find disorganised people create stressed kids, so you must be early and on time, and ready to organise them rather than trying to sort yourself out. The children are the priority when you are caring for them.

Does this sound like you? Please email and expand on experience you have with sole care of children as a nanny or similar.  Please send the dates you have worked with children, and what kind of things you did whilst you were a nanny, please highlight when you were in sole charge of children. Let us know why you think you are right for this role.
We are looking for the right nanny, a lovely positive nanny, qualifications are no use to us if you don't genuinely love working with kids, and have experience and understanding of how to nurture their confidence and inquisitive nature with patience. We know our kids are well behaved, clever, and funny, we want to keep them that way, so have a good package for the right person. We have posted this ad before, but have been let down by someone just before they were about to start the trial week, so are looking for this special person again.
Pay and perks
£350 Per week + Christmas bonus
All food and travel paid for
4 Flights home per year
Nanny phone
Allowance for kids costs per week, which is Topped up if you go over.
Hire car share whilst we are in Italy
Mon – Friday with time off in the day in term time. (But you are not permitted to work for anyone else in that time off; it is time when you are available, but not required).
You only have to do the kids housework, because we have a cleaner / housekeeper.
If the interview is successful, our old nanny is happy to talk to anyone about what we are like as a family, and what it is like to work with our kids.
Own private double room at the top of a large 5-bedroom house with bathroom only used by kids at for bath time.
Own TV if required
Tea/Kettle etc.
What ever you need let us know we want to make it a comfortable space.
We live on a quiet street near a park on the river, coffee shops and shops nearby, nearest tube Parsons Green. It is a lovely safe area full of nannies and families. With 3 local parks. 15 minutes from the Kings road, buses from the end of the street to the centre of town, oxford street etc.
What is the job like?
Organising the kids at breakfast, getting their things together, fed, and out on time, in a non-stressful environment.
Taking one child to school each day
Collecting one or both children each day, taking one or both to clubs when needed each week.
Keeping track of their diaries
Mon – Thursday
Breakfast – 0700
Leave for school – 0820
Return from school – 0915
Organise for the afternoon pickup / book play dates / organise kids rooms and clothes for next day.
Prepare things for dinner / bake a healthy snack for the kids once a week.
14:30 – Leave to collect child/ren
15:30 – Home of afterschool club
17:00 – Prep dinner / supervise reading or homework.
17:45 – Dinner for kids
18:30 – Bath, stories and bed
19:15/30 – Should be asleep by then
Friday – 4 year old half day, so collect and take to an exhibition or something fun you planned.
Once a week grandma comes to help put them to bed, some nights one of us parents will be around to help out.
Babysitting – 2 nights a week, Mon-Friday with as much warning as possible, but we need someone flexible. We don’t require baby-sitting on Saturday or Sunday we want you to have this as your own time.
School Holidays – kids go to clubs, so you rarely have to look after both each day, we also go away and our nanny comes with us on holiday to Tuscany, you work full days in the holidays, but when we are on holiday we are around more, so each day is different, you might not be needed one morning, we ask if you want to come with us to things like visiting towns, or going for lunch, if you don’t you can do what you choose. There might be other times when we need you to watch both kids at the pool, or plan something fun like arts and crafts or a walk in the woods for a few hours.
Weekends – we don’t usually ever need you on weekends, if we did it would only be if we were on holiday. We pay in addition for any weekend day you would have to work. We don’t want our nanny to work on the weekend, we don’t ask you to baby-sit on a Saturday night, or very very rarely. We want you to relax, not do any other work on weekends so you can be fresh in the week.
Who are we?
Young couple, 38 and 42, who both run our own businesses, Husband is an interior designer and property developer, wife runs a photographic agency from an office about 20 minutes away. We are trusting easy going, but expect honesty, common sense and support from our nanny in everyday aspects of looking after the children. We dip in and out of helping with their care when we can, and like to be involved and updated on what happens in the children day. We are both English, but our children have been spoken to in Italian since they were born by their nanny because we spend a few weeks every holiday in Tuscany, which is why it is important for us that the kids continue to speak Italian. We don’t have any pets, and have no plans to.
We have a cleaner housekeeper, who has been with us for a few years, she is a lovely Romanian girl who speaks Italian, and every nanny has enjoyed working together and supporting eachother.

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